Webdesign and Development

#PROX-I, marketing and digital communication agency in Tahiti, specialized in the design and creation of websites, Facebook games, advertising and emailing.

BP 2866 Papeete - 98713
3ème étage Centre Vaima, Bureau 85



Web Hosting

Outsourcing and webmastering provided by #PROX-I
OVH dedicaded server hosting

Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix - France
Phone number : +33 9 72 10 10 07



Publication Director

Vincent CARRE


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Hertz Tahiti
Direction générale
BP 1617 - 98713 Papeete
Polynésie Française


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Discover our fleetEconomy, compact, break, SUV, 4x4, commercial, prestige

More informations

Are you a Hertz # 1 Club Gold member ?Go directly to our Airport dedicated desk, your rental agreement will be ready.

Baby or booster seatsFor the comfort of youngsters, baby, child or booster seats available on request.

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